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Messages - MTaylor

Pages: [1]
Qwoter Stock Spam Report / EXMT Spam
« on: August 07, 2007, 01:22:30 PM »
I have recieved over 1000 spam email from promoters of this stock EXMT every day for days and days... on my blackberry!  (SMS and I canot stop them or block them!)

The sheer volume is driving me mad, and deleting is a chore, and I cannot block the SMS SPAM!  Plus they change email addresses daily... but all have the same message. 

This company should be reported, becuase they are using their own technology at their advantage, and forcing people to VIEW their emails, 100"s and 1000's of them daily, times how many email addresses they have.  I would be pleased to give someone in authority a sample of my SMS in box. 

Better yet, perhaps I should just call my friends at Gartner, and see what their thougts are.

Currently backberry and other handhelds cant stop/block SMS spamming!  What a scam!  And this is what their business is yes you guessed it, Proficient SPAMMING technology.

Sick of the SPAMMING!

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